

6611 Gunn Highway, Tampa, FL 33625

      Supplements To Help With COVID-19


Supplements are one of the most potent ways to give your body a

boost and drastically improve its ability to fight off infection. Here

are some of the most powerful immune-boosting supplements

that I recommend taking and why:



Prevention of COVID:


1. Vitamin D3: 4,000 - 5,000 units daily

2. Glutathione: 500 mg twice daily

3. Quercetin: 250 - 500 mg daily

4. Zinc: 40- 50 mg daily

5. Melatonin: 4- 6 mg at bedtime

6. Vitamin C: 500 - 1,000 mg  twice daily



Vitamin D3: This vitamin has been shown to have antiviral properties

and has been found at low levels in people that have worse cases of



Glutathione: This is the body’s main and most powerful antioxidant. It

is frequently reduced in people that have poor nutrition, stress,

hypertension and other medical conditions as well as declines with

age. It becomes markedly decreased when you are fighting an



Quercetin: This supplement helps to bring the zinc inside the cells

causing the virus not to replicate.


Zinc: Along with Quercetin, it prevents the virus from replicating.


Melatonin: Data has already been obtained and revealed that

melatonin usage was associated with a nearly 30% reduced

likelihood of getting COVID. Stress, smoking, excess light exposure,

shift work and aging all reduce melatonin levels.


Vitamin C: An antioxidant that helps protect your cells against the

effects of free radicals. It is also known to help in reducing the

duration and severity of seasonal colds and flu,



Active Treatment of COVID:


1. Vitamin D3: 4,000 - 5,000 units daily

2. Glutathione 1,000 - 2,000 mg

3. Quercetin: 250 - 500 mg daily

4. Zinc: 40- 50 mg daily

5. Melatonin: 4- 6 mg at bedtime

6. Vitamin C: 2,000 mg  three times daily

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The information contained or presented on this website is for educational purposes only. Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. Any facts presented are offered as information only in order to empower you. Any protocols on this site are not medical advice – and in no way should anyone infer that I, even though I am a physician is practicing medicine, it is for educational purposes only. Any treatment protocol you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material on this site. NEVER stop or change your medications without consulting your physician. If you are having an emergency contact your emergency services at 911.